Friday, December 14, 2007

The Fluffy Wumpkins kidnapped him!

So he leaves without letting me know. I call him on my cell phone and asked him why on earth would he do that. He says he did, I just didn't hear him say his salams. I talk a little about how he's been ignoring me lately then, nothing, a glance at my phone shows "call ended". To a simple mind like mine that means someone ended the call. I'm under the belief that a dropped call doesn't display said message, just goes to your main screen. I called him back, it rang once and then went straight to voice mail. I call him again, it rings three times before going to voice mail. I didn't leave a message( I rarely do. the caller ID will tell him I called twice).

I'll give him the benefit of the doubt though, these are some interesting reasons for dropped calls I read online:
~ A tower went out, he moved out of range, or in to a lead-lined room.

~ Maybe he dropped his phone by accident and it broke.

Maybe he got hit by a gyrocopter.

~ Perhaps his batteries are flat and he can't find his recharger.

~ Maybe he's been kidnapped by the Fluffy Wumpkins and infected with myxomalaryngitus. LOL!!! I liked that one!

~ ...Or maybe he was paying attention to his cell phone while driving and drove off the road, flipping his car and he is now stuck in a creek, with water rushing by his head while his cell phone sits only three and a half feet away, but still out of reach.

I don't know if I have a husband or a live-in sometimes coz we hardly talk anymore. He might as well be kidnapped by a fluffy wumpkin coz it wouldn't make a difference in my life anyway. This is what goes on in our household when he spends the night here:

Comes home, watches basketball. Says "thank you" to me while I serve him his food. Goes to his office after the game is over.

Goes to bed much later than me, we rarely go to bed at the same time.

Wakes up in the morning to pray Fajr together. Doesn't even say good morning or it's time for Fajr, just a nudge.

After Fajr we talk a little, two minutes at the most before he proceeds to get up and goes to his office, "I've got work to do and I need to leave early"....ooh, I almost forgot how his voice sounds.

I'll knock oh his door to serve him his food, again "thank you" and shuts the door in my face.

When he does decide to say good bye; He'll say "Assalmu'alaikum" before he leaves.

So let's sum that up shall we:

"Thank you"
A two minute conversation, before the:

"I've got work to do and I need to leave early"

"thank you"

"Assalmu'alaikum" least he was polite!:)


Safiyyah said...

As Salaamu Alaikum Sister:

I am so sorry :( I wish I could make it better for you. You don't deserve such coldness.

PM said...

Salaam Alaikum sweetie,

I have to ask: Is it worth it? How would your life be without him? And if you do need him in your life, do you have a plan for how to make the best of it?
I hurt for you reading this. The silent treatment was my ex-husband's abuse of choice.

Wish I could hug you but have to settle for this cyber one --


Anonymous said...

Asalaam alaykum

Subhanallah, May Allah relieve you of your hardships Ameen.

I sincerly advise to seek guidance through Allah through salatul istakara, and too talk to an Iman about your situation.

Islam is NOT what your husband is doing to you subhanallah.

Your in my dua's.

wa salaam alaykum
